Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Disney buys Marvel Comics for $4 billion...

Okay, so when I heard this news, I didn't know whether or not to feel excited or depressed. Yeah, yeah, "they are just two big-time tycoons that merged...get over it!" I get it. But this is pretty deep stuff for me. I loved Marvel ever since I was a little tot, and up to now, I stand proud of being a Marvel over DC knowing that I was a fan of Iron Man, Spider Man, the X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic 4, etc., long before they became Hollywood blockbusters.

And don't get me wrong, I lived and breathed Disney flicks when I was a tot as well. And sure Lilo & Stitch and nearly EVERY Pixar movie has won a place in my heart as well. To this day, Disney has provided me with that message to take home with me and to 'keep in mind' subconsciously; the message of family, love, etc. With that all said in mind, my point is that Marvel was essentially my escape from that mushy goodness. Provided all the bad-ass-ness that these superheroes invoked into my action-hungry psyche, they still gave a different palette of messages: responsibility, valor, love, humility.

Alright, alright, whatever. I suppose these messages are pretty similar in that they are positive. But when it boils down to the real nitty gritty, I'd say that Disney still gives that innocent "it's okay to be a kid" theme, while Marvel gives that more mature message. Disney has full control over Marvel comics here is one pro and one con to sum up my point:

Pro: more appeal to males, since Miley, Jonas Bros, Disney Princesses, cutesy cutesy characters overwhelmingly appeal to more females.

Con: Washed down comics/movies/series. Marvel has/had the potential to do rated R and even Mature content; no limits...til now. When do you ever see anything Disney that's R rated? Hell...even PG-13?!?!

grr....i really hope Disney doesn't water Marvel down.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's Over....

...well for now at least. 

Man, this is so crazy.  undergrad just flew right by my eyes.. I can't believe it's all done! Thanks to everyone who was a part of all that amazingness! Haha, now what? I guess I can take time off and really just get more experience in the hospital before I apply to PT school =P but perhaps i can enjoy my fresh outta college self and enjoy this summer.

....but I have no set plans this summer. Although I really just want to relax, i must say that there are plenty of things I would like to do. Here's a list of what I  could do but 90% of these are most likely going to the dumps, because of time, money and people's availability. There's no specific order of when or what i'd like to do....just a brain storm

-Pen some new songs: It's no longer the "Wrong Time" and "This Game of Love" is old news. Haha, hopefully I can be productive with the S. Panthers and collaborate with Crisis again. Perhaps Jenni too? Hahaha....audition for a crazy tv reality show or something? who knows? I dunno
- camping/hiking: I gotta do this one with the family of course...and I'd like to do it with friends too.
- another senior trip: Come on guys! Orlando was so awesome...who says another week elsewhere? Doesn't have to be too far this time! Orlando again? sure? Hawaii? even better!
- Busch Gardens fun pass: My friends at work are itching for me to get one...i might give in....who knows. it's like $55 for the whole summer. 
- summer movies: Star Trek (i think imma do that one tomorrow), Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2....there has to be many more. I just been living under a rock sorta...i don't know what else is coming out
- get reacquainted with my PS3: I wanna finish Little Big Planet, then get inFAMOUS, which looks SWEEEEEET.  Rock Band: The Beatles Edition comes out early september. How about a little birthday present friends? It's only $250....and I'd love you forever. Hahahaha, right...don't think i'm cool enough for that to happen. I suppose I shall be saving up for that one
- Philippines: ....okay this is real tricky....i highly doubt it'll happen.  But i can dream right?
- Canada: ....i miss my canadian relatives dearly...maybe could happen. shoot...or just visit a different country
- scuba certification: this has always been a life goal for me. I WILL go scuba diving one day...and obviously i can't do that without taking the classes to get certified
- Get reacquainted with my TV shows: It is ALL about LOST and Heroes....i heard Heroes was sucky though. But anyways, i might go back to 24....and start up a new one which Ken recommended called True Blood.  Haha, and Glee Club looks cool...kinda like High School Musical, the TV series....we shall see....
-Skydiving: I dunno about that either, but my cousins were talking about it. And I'm so down wiht that idea anyways. 

...haha so much to do, so little time. I guess, if there's anything else to add, i'll put em up. Have a good one =)

Friday, March 6, 2009


Finally, I get a break from school.  Not saying that I deserve this more than anyone else, but I deserve this more than anyone else. Haha... jus playin. But I think I've had A LOT of stuff on my plate...and i still have much crap to do, at least I can forget about it and postpone the inevitable and become broke for the next few days. 

Orlando, Florida it is... Shoooot, i should be packing right now, but I'm procrastinating.  Besides, my laundry is still in the dryer.  But it should be great, despite the fact that we lost a few people along the way: Iric and then most recently Micah....which just means that we'll just have to plan something else next time around WITH them too=) 

I could care less where we are though.  I just wanna be with some of my closest friends. As mentioned earlier, I have been SO busy, to the point I don't even get to see anyone anymore. And if i do, i was most likely giving tasks and delegating.   I'm talking to them, I'm not talking with them... Man... being president of one of the most active student organizations at VCU is not an easy job.

Anyways, my rant is now over. So, this is what I should be doing down in Orlando (this is not in order):

1. Driving - this should be fun. I always look forward to the bonding experience
2. Disney World...i dunno which part we're going to yet, but whatever...how could you hate on Disney World?
3. Clubbing - hot n heavy beats? Bust-a-move and dancefloor freaks? Alcohol and sweaty sheets? hahaha okay maybe not the last part...but it's always fun with the right people =)
4. Daytona Beach - Jetskiing is an option....i would like to try parasailing too. we shall see....
5. Watchmen on IMAX - should be freakin awesome! 
6. Seaworld(?)- I love marine life....i don't know if this was an option anymore...probably not, but again, it don't matter
7. Kings - haha....yeeeeea boiiiii
8. Strippers(?) - Hahahaha, this could be good or bad....probably not gonna do it though. it would be hilarious

Okay, i think that's it. It'll be a nice escape from reality....minus the fact that I don't get to see that special someone for a week =( But it'll be fine. 

so i am gonna go finish packing.  I hope everyone else has a splendid spring break.  Be safe and have a blast. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rest in Peace


Thank you for everything you have done for me and for being such a great role model to me. The Earth just lost a true woman of virtue, but at least I know that Heaven rightfully gained a  beautiful angel. I wish time had not been against us; I wish I could have seen you earlier.  But I know that the next time I see you will be more appropriate. Please tell Lolo hi and that I miss him. I love you and I miss you more than anything. 

Monday, February 2, 2009


There's so much I want to say to you. There is so much I want to do for you. There's not much I can  do...so all I do is pray. I feel like I haven't been there for you these past few years.  I know distance plays a big role in this, but ever since Lolo left us in 2003, I haven't been back to see you. And it breaks my heart to say that I haven't been back, despite how much I have been wanting to go back. 

If I could be anywhere right now, I would be right next to you. If nothing else in my life mattered, I would not hesitate to leave it all just to see you breathe.  But I know for a fact that you would never want that for me. You have always stressed the importance of finishing with school. But in times like this, all I care about is life over something so material.  A semester can wait...a life cannot. I'm stuck here finishing my last semester of undergrad. So I am stuck here...all I can do is pray.  I pray that you will get through this, but at the same time, I pray that you will not be in pain; I don't want to be selfish either for I only want what is best for you.

I would not be what I am today if not for you. The many things that have stuck with me are from what you taught me. No matter how tall I've grown since I last stood next to you, I will always look up to you. You have easily been one of the most influential people in my life and you will always be. I love you with all my heart, and I will do my best to stay strong for you. Since I cannot be there for you right now, I will stand tall. This one is for you.


Sorry guys, I don't mean to put a damper on anybody with this post.  I just needed an outlet with what's been going on in my mind. My Lola isn't doing so well at the moment. My parents are already in the Philippines, but it looks like everyone else may be going there to see her one last time to say their goodbyes. Unfortunately, I will not be able to go. Instead, I will be staying here.  

So with all that said, all I have left for you is this: Hold onto what you have.  Don't ever take what or who you have for granted because you never know when they can slip away. Don't waste time criticizing what/who you have; what if they weren't even there for you to begin with? If you spend more time pointing out imperfections, you will begin to realize what is more important to you once it leaves you. Life is more beautiful and perfect than you could ever expect once you look past its imperfections. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just typing my thoughts...

My phone died completely...so I got a new phone: 

The Samsung Rant
Yeah, this phone has been pretty amazing so far. Obviously there's the QWERTY keyboard...which really helps with texting.  That and it makes pretty cool Super Mario-like noises.

Other good news: my Lola is finally out of the hospital. It's what she wanted, so i am glad that she is doing better. I'm really stoked that i'll be able to see her in May/June ish. And i haven't been to the Philippines since 2004, so I'm just ready to go now!

Other not so fun news: break is nearly over. I'm glad to see everyone again, so that is def. a plus...but there's so much CRAP to be done, it's not even funny and i'm already getting sick just thinking of it. I think I work pretty well under pressure, but there are SO many pressures that will most definitely get in the way of my most important goal this semester: GRADUATION! 

So after I graduate, it doesn't end, cuz i still need to apply to PT school,etc etc. I feel so screwed...but you know what **** it, cuz imma do it, and imma do it good! 

Other than all the bigger things on my mind, I just watched the Pineapple Express a few minutes ago, with Andrew, Jered and Kevin. I must say that it was HILARIOUS! I wouldn't say it's my favorite movie, but a good laugh for sure. I think I could watch it again and again.  

....And i went to the gym today, meaning i'll be super-sore tomorrow. ciao for now, later alligators, bye bye butta-fly 

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year folks! 

I couldn't have asked for a better way to end the year. I spent my last day of 2008 with the twins, Andrew and Jered. First, we went to the twin's relatives for lunch.  I've met so many of my friends' families in the past few weeks, it's ridiculous! But I get a kick from it. All of the families I've met this break have been very hospitable and amazing to me =). 

In the evening, I spent time with my family.  Cigars and alcohol with family? Who could ask for more? Haha, nah. It was just awesome to relax and have a good time with the people I love more than the world and universe. It was just good times...i even took a shot of tequila in front of my parents...well I guess in front of everyone. Haha, my Tita Nancy was walking around taking pictures of us before and after we took our shots. 

With 2008 officially over, what will be in store for 2009? How was everyone's 2008? Mine was....crazy! I guess things happen every year. Yes, we face different challenges and impediments each year, but 2008 seemed to be a very hectic year for me in comparison to the others.  Despite all the crazy things that have happened, I just never imagined myself accomplishing so much in a year; it has definitely proven to be one of the most productive years for me and I feel like I have grown so much. Essentially, everyone wants to feel like they have grown for the better as a person (I know I do). So far, 2008 is the year that I was able to do things that I've always wanted to do. 

Music has always been my life...

I always wanted to 1. Write an original song and 2. Be in a band. This year, I've finally done both. Granted, I've already already recorded songs with the amazing hip hop/Christian rapper, Crisis (check him out if you haven't done so already!) and wrote 5-ish original songs for last year's FACT culture night. I guess they count, but they weren't 100% me....haha. So, I have 2 songs penned and i wanna write more.

Then I have the Panthers.  In high school I always wanted to form a bandy, but my peers were all about death metal and screamo....which are cool and all, but not exactly my cup of tea. With the Sex Panthers, we have our own styles, yet we blend pretty well together. 

This year, I finally picked up the guitar after 3 years of telling myself that I should.  Even though my guitar skills are very amateur and basic, it's still a start right? And of course I still have more to do; instruments for me to learn and have in the bag for 2009: piano, drums, egg shaker, trumpet. Haha, egg shaker shouldn't be too bad...and trumpet....i doubt i'll be able to get to it, but u never know right? So, hopefully there will be more musical growth for me in 2009.

That covers music. So what about life as a whole? I don't wanna jinx myself by saying this but, I honestly feel much happier now more than ever. In 2008, I finally found people and things that just make me more content. I'm already a happy person overall, but i can't complain if things have gone my way.  I am in no way saying that I did not go through hardships either: drama with friends, disputes with family, driving misdemeanor from speeding, the nearly fatal car accident...etc etc. In a weird way, I have to be thankful for all of these because I am better off now. Perhaps this is so, because I went through em. 

I think I'm gonna conclude this right now.  I just hope 2009 will be even better than 2008. To start the New Year, I gotta take my phone to the shop...the battery is completely dead...great. Happy New Year everyone!