Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just typing my thoughts...

My phone died I got a new phone: 

The Samsung Rant
Yeah, this phone has been pretty amazing so far. Obviously there's the QWERTY keyboard...which really helps with texting.  That and it makes pretty cool Super Mario-like noises.

Other good news: my Lola is finally out of the hospital. It's what she wanted, so i am glad that she is doing better. I'm really stoked that i'll be able to see her in May/June ish. And i haven't been to the Philippines since 2004, so I'm just ready to go now!

Other not so fun news: break is nearly over. I'm glad to see everyone again, so that is def. a plus...but there's so much CRAP to be done, it's not even funny and i'm already getting sick just thinking of it. I think I work pretty well under pressure, but there are SO many pressures that will most definitely get in the way of my most important goal this semester: GRADUATION! 

So after I graduate, it doesn't end, cuz i still need to apply to PT school,etc etc. I feel so screwed...but you know what **** it, cuz imma do it, and imma do it good! 

Other than all the bigger things on my mind, I just watched the Pineapple Express a few minutes ago, with Andrew, Jered and Kevin. I must say that it was HILARIOUS! I wouldn't say it's my favorite movie, but a good laugh for sure. I think I could watch it again and again.  

....And i went to the gym today, meaning i'll be super-sore tomorrow. ciao for now, later alligators, bye bye butta-fly