Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year folks! 

I couldn't have asked for a better way to end the year. I spent my last day of 2008 with the twins, Andrew and Jered. First, we went to the twin's relatives for lunch.  I've met so many of my friends' families in the past few weeks, it's ridiculous! But I get a kick from it. All of the families I've met this break have been very hospitable and amazing to me =). 

In the evening, I spent time with my family.  Cigars and alcohol with family? Who could ask for more? Haha, nah. It was just awesome to relax and have a good time with the people I love more than the world and universe. It was just good times...i even took a shot of tequila in front of my parents...well I guess in front of everyone. Haha, my Tita Nancy was walking around taking pictures of us before and after we took our shots. 

With 2008 officially over, what will be in store for 2009? How was everyone's 2008? Mine was....crazy! I guess things happen every year. Yes, we face different challenges and impediments each year, but 2008 seemed to be a very hectic year for me in comparison to the others.  Despite all the crazy things that have happened, I just never imagined myself accomplishing so much in a year; it has definitely proven to be one of the most productive years for me and I feel like I have grown so much. Essentially, everyone wants to feel like they have grown for the better as a person (I know I do). So far, 2008 is the year that I was able to do things that I've always wanted to do. 

Music has always been my life...

I always wanted to 1. Write an original song and 2. Be in a band. This year, I've finally done both. Granted, I've already already recorded songs with the amazing hip hop/Christian rapper, Crisis (check him out if you haven't done so already!) and wrote 5-ish original songs for last year's FACT culture night. I guess they count, but they weren't 100% me....haha. So, I have 2 songs penned and i wanna write more.

Then I have the Panthers.  In high school I always wanted to form a bandy, but my peers were all about death metal and screamo....which are cool and all, but not exactly my cup of tea. With the Sex Panthers, we have our own styles, yet we blend pretty well together. 

This year, I finally picked up the guitar after 3 years of telling myself that I should.  Even though my guitar skills are very amateur and basic, it's still a start right? And of course I still have more to do; instruments for me to learn and have in the bag for 2009: piano, drums, egg shaker, trumpet. Haha, egg shaker shouldn't be too bad...and trumpet....i doubt i'll be able to get to it, but u never know right? So, hopefully there will be more musical growth for me in 2009.

That covers music. So what about life as a whole? I don't wanna jinx myself by saying this but, I honestly feel much happier now more than ever. In 2008, I finally found people and things that just make me more content. I'm already a happy person overall, but i can't complain if things have gone my way.  I am in no way saying that I did not go through hardships either: drama with friends, disputes with family, driving misdemeanor from speeding, the nearly fatal car accident...etc etc. In a weird way, I have to be thankful for all of these because I am better off now. Perhaps this is so, because I went through em. 

I think I'm gonna conclude this right now.  I just hope 2009 will be even better than 2008. To start the New Year, I gotta take my phone to the shop...the battery is completely dead...great. Happy New Year everyone!

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