Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's Over....

...well for now at least. 

Man, this is so crazy.  undergrad just flew right by my eyes.. I can't believe it's all done! Thanks to everyone who was a part of all that amazingness! Haha, now what? I guess I can take time off and really just get more experience in the hospital before I apply to PT school =P but perhaps i can enjoy my fresh outta college self and enjoy this summer.

....but I have no set plans this summer. Although I really just want to relax, i must say that there are plenty of things I would like to do. Here's a list of what I  could do but 90% of these are most likely going to the dumps, because of time, money and people's availability. There's no specific order of when or what i'd like to do....just a brain storm

-Pen some new songs: It's no longer the "Wrong Time" and "This Game of Love" is old news. Haha, hopefully I can be productive with the S. Panthers and collaborate with Crisis again. Perhaps Jenni too? Hahaha....audition for a crazy tv reality show or something? who knows? I dunno
- camping/hiking: I gotta do this one with the family of course...and I'd like to do it with friends too.
- another senior trip: Come on guys! Orlando was so awesome...who says another week elsewhere? Doesn't have to be too far this time! Orlando again? sure? Hawaii? even better!
- Busch Gardens fun pass: My friends at work are itching for me to get one...i might give in....who knows. it's like $55 for the whole summer. 
- summer movies: Star Trek (i think imma do that one tomorrow), Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2....there has to be many more. I just been living under a rock sorta...i don't know what else is coming out
- get reacquainted with my PS3: I wanna finish Little Big Planet, then get inFAMOUS, which looks SWEEEEEET.  Rock Band: The Beatles Edition comes out early september. How about a little birthday present friends? It's only $250....and I'd love you forever. Hahahaha, right...don't think i'm cool enough for that to happen. I suppose I shall be saving up for that one
- Philippines: ....okay this is real tricky....i highly doubt it'll happen.  But i can dream right?
- Canada: ....i miss my canadian relatives dearly...maybe could happen. shoot...or just visit a different country
- scuba certification: this has always been a life goal for me. I WILL go scuba diving one day...and obviously i can't do that without taking the classes to get certified
- Get reacquainted with my TV shows: It is ALL about LOST and Heroes....i heard Heroes was sucky though. But anyways, i might go back to 24....and start up a new one which Ken recommended called True Blood.  Haha, and Glee Club looks cool...kinda like High School Musical, the TV series....we shall see....
-Skydiving: I dunno about that either, but my cousins were talking about it. And I'm so down wiht that idea anyways. 

...haha so much to do, so little time. I guess, if there's anything else to add, i'll put em up. Have a good one =)

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