Friday, March 6, 2009


Finally, I get a break from school.  Not saying that I deserve this more than anyone else, but I deserve this more than anyone else. Haha... jus playin. But I think I've had A LOT of stuff on my plate...and i still have much crap to do, at least I can forget about it and postpone the inevitable and become broke for the next few days. 

Orlando, Florida it is... Shoooot, i should be packing right now, but I'm procrastinating.  Besides, my laundry is still in the dryer.  But it should be great, despite the fact that we lost a few people along the way: Iric and then most recently Micah....which just means that we'll just have to plan something else next time around WITH them too=) 

I could care less where we are though.  I just wanna be with some of my closest friends. As mentioned earlier, I have been SO busy, to the point I don't even get to see anyone anymore. And if i do, i was most likely giving tasks and delegating.   I'm talking to them, I'm not talking with them... Man... being president of one of the most active student organizations at VCU is not an easy job.

Anyways, my rant is now over. So, this is what I should be doing down in Orlando (this is not in order):

1. Driving - this should be fun. I always look forward to the bonding experience
2. Disney World...i dunno which part we're going to yet, but could you hate on Disney World?
3. Clubbing - hot n heavy beats? Bust-a-move and dancefloor freaks? Alcohol and sweaty sheets? hahaha okay maybe not the last part...but it's always fun with the right people =)
4. Daytona Beach - Jetskiing is an option....i would like to try parasailing too. we shall see....
5. Watchmen on IMAX - should be freakin awesome! 
6. Seaworld(?)- I love marine life....i don't know if this was an option anymore...probably not, but again, it don't matter
7. Kings - haha....yeeeeea boiiiii
8. Strippers(?) - Hahahaha, this could be good or bad....probably not gonna do it though. it would be hilarious

Okay, i think that's it. It'll be a nice escape from reality....minus the fact that I don't get to see that special someone for a week =( But it'll be fine. 

so i am gonna go finish packing.  I hope everyone else has a splendid spring break.  Be safe and have a blast.