Monday, December 22, 2008

Blog Noob

Yep, dat's me! But I decided to convert...besides, blogs are more hip than xanga anyways.

I've been in Virginia Beach these past few days, many thanks to Jeredale of course. He's been taking me everywhere and has been nothing less than awesome, as usual.  Go figure; he's an SP. But I have had a blast here hitting up hot spots, eating lots of Filipino food (which I don't get enough of), meeting families of friends, and just being around great people. I couldn't be any happier, really. 

However, there is one thing that kinda balances the scale and puts everything to perspective: I just found out that my Lola was hospitalized on her 95th birthday a few days ago from an asthma attack. I have not seen her since 2004, and it just sucks knowing that I cannot be there for her at the moment.  I miss her so much! I sent her an email, telling her that she is the most inspiring person I've ever met and how much I love her, etc...I just wish I could do more for her than send her an email. 

At first, she was very scared and thought that it was her time to go. Last I heard, she's just ready to go home. I think she has calmed down a lot, but I really don't know what to expect. I'm trying to visit her after I graduate in May. I just hope and pray that she gets better and stays the strong, inspiring and loving Lola that she has always been to me. 

Sorry to be such a downer (...not a good start for a blog right?), it just shows me how much more I should value everything I have and everyone I love...and I do. As mentioned earlier, I could not be any happier.  So thanks for my family and my friends for keeping me that way. 

Dang, i think this blog was a little bit emo...sorry kids. On the bright side, I finally got that egg shaker I always wanted...TWO in fact! I been looking for one for a while, haha. Many many many thanks to Justine =)


Anyways, I hope everyone has a very safe and blessed Christmas!  Tune in for more later =)